
Since 2008 Tomatoworld is the world of experience that makes the great value of Dutch greenhouse horticulture visible and shows how knowledge, innovation and technologies contribute to the solutions of the world food problem.

Tomatoworld is supported by champions players of the greenhouse horticulture cluster. They have a partnership with Tomatoworld from the believe we have to expose the value of the Horticultural sector.

The initiators and founding fathers of Tomatoworld were Greenco, known from the Tommies cherry tomatoes and The Greenery.

The partners represent the entire sector. By sharing their knowledge, we can provide you, as a visitor, with the latest information.

Tomatoworld has partners, ambassadors, and friends who support it.

At Tomatoworld, we believe in the power of collaboration and synergy. That's why we're proud of our extensive partnership with a wide range of companies that help us offer the complete package for building and setting up greenhouses. Our partners represent every aspect of the industry. By sharing their knowledge, Tomatoworld always stays ahead in providing the latest insights to our visitors. Ambassadors are entities from both government and other foundations that work closely with us to achieve our common goals. And our friends? They are companies that wholeheartedly support our initiative and want to closely associate themselves with us in this manner.

Why should your company become a partner of Tomatoworld? Because we are the hub of knowledge and expertise in horticulture. By becoming a partner, you gain access to a network of like-minded professionals and the latest developments in the industry. Together, we can tackle the challenges of modern horticulture and develop innovative solutions that further drive the sector's growth.

Whether you're a supplier looking to showcase your products to a wider audience, an advisor eager to share your expertise with others, or a developer seeking partners for new projects, Tomatoworld provides the ideal environment to nurture your business.

Become a partner of Tomatoworld today and be part of our dynamic ecosystem of horticultural innovation and knowledge sharing. Together, we form a vibrant community dedicated to progress, sustainability, and innovation within greenhouse horticulture.

More information about partnership

These leading companies are partners of the Tomatoworld foundation

Or support us and become a friend

Because not every company has the opportunity to enter into a partnership, you can also become a friend of Tomatoworld for € 500.00 or € 1000.00 per year. As a friend, you are less closely involved in the mission propagation process, but we would like to keep you informed through networking meetings and newsletters. 

Information becoming a friend of Tomatoworld


Become an ambassador for Tomatoworld