5G in horticulture: the next step towards the autonomous greenhouse?
July 6, 2023
5G in horticulture: the next step towards the autonomous greenhouse?
The rollout of 5G mobile connections is getting closer and closer. In this (online) event from TomatoWorld, experts will discuss the impact this will have on companies in horticulture. About, among other things: data-driven cultivation, picking robots, smart track & trace and autonomous drones.
Accelerating 5G innovation
In the horticultural trade press, all kinds of new applications are envisaged. Think of the large-scale roll-out of sensors in greenhouses, for instance to predict harvest time and yield much better, quality control during transport, or more autonomous or flexibly deployable robots and drones in greenhouses. The roll-out of 5G, the 5th generation of mobile networks, will soon make it even easier to introduce these applications.
The possibilities are huge, but which applications really add value? What impact do they have on the systems, processes and chains in horticulture? There is still a lot of virgin territory to explore together. That is why we are now working on 5G innovation environments, such as also with TomatoWorld. With this event, we want to inform and inspire you about this, and tell you about support you can receive to deploy this technology in your business.
Programme Tuesday 6 July, 10:00-11:00 am
At the table, horticultural experts and digitalisation experts talk to each other about the specific opportunities but also challenges that the arrival of 5G brings. From data-driven cultivation to picking robots: what is the real added value? What adjustments and investments will you have to deal with? And when will it actually be available? With:
- Ab van Marrewijk (Innovative grower, TomatoWorld)
- Peter Hendriks (CEO, Hoogendoorn Growth Management)
- Colinda de Beer (Sr. Business Developer Horticulture, InnovationQuarter)
- Lenneke de Voogd (Programme Manager Do IoT Fieldlab, TU Delft)
There will be ample opportunity to ask questions. Will you be inspired to start testing with 5G yourself? There will also be an explanation of Do IoT innovation vouchers supporting this.