WATER WEEK 1- 12 MAY 2019
We all know that the amount of usable water on earth 🌍 is scarce. But did you know that the greenhouse industry is looking for ways to reduce water consumption in vegetable production? 💧
There is a big difference in water use in different cultivation methods, from 60 litres per kg of tomatoes in an open field in a Mediterranean country to 4 litres in a closed Dutch greenhouse for the same kg of tomatoes 🍅. The 15 litres of tomatoes is the average use in today's modern greenhouse. Depending on the investments a grower makes and his cultivation method (according to NEW CURRENT principles), it will be less. So the 4 litres of the closed greenhouse will soon be achievable in regular cultivation.
We would be happy to tell you more about water consumption and Dutch greenhouse horticulture. Interested? Then book a guided tour to Tomatoworld: reservering@tomatoworld.nl Or subscribe to our newsletter!