The field lab for Data Driven Autonomous Cultivation & Robotics

Why, How, What

The WHY of Tomatoworld

We believe that with its knowledge, technologies and sustainable cultivation methods, the Dutch greenhouse horticulture sector can make an undeniable contribution to solving the global food issue and that it is important to express this story.

Tomatoworld lets visitors experience the Dutch greenhouse farming sector so that they become aware of its value and the role they themselves can play in relation to world food challenges.

HOW do we fill in the WHY:

  • We constantly innovate and make sure we have up-to-date information available. We do this together with our partners, renowned companies in the sector.
  • We focus on the visitor's information needs. To this end, we have an expert team of guides available.
  • We open ourselves up to young and old, national and international, and share our knowledge so that they can multiply it.
  • We passionately share our proud information about the sector. With this, we want to touch our visitors so they become ambassadors and start sharing our story.
  • We connect companies and organisations from the sector with each other and with our visitors so that new insights, solutions and innovations can emerge for the world food supply.

WHAT do we do and have:

  • We tell a unique conceptual story in our experience centre with a multidimensional experience: seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling, learning.
  • We have a greenhouse with more than 80 different tomato varieties where the sustainable cultivation method can be seen and learned with your own eyes
  • We offer teaching programmes for every level of education
  • We provide tailor-made programmes
  • We use the expertise of our partners to even better meet customer needs.
  • We rent our inspiring space to companies and organisations that share our meaning.
  • We collaborate with companies and organisations on themes such as sustainability, healthy food, taste, innovation and cultivation,
  • We give guest lectures at and for schools.
  • We have an active social media policy
  • We receive a growing number of visitors

Sector horticulture innovations!

We facilitate a healthy food movement