The field lab for Data Driven Autonomous Cultivation & Robotics

SenseNL sensors monitor water content in mats

SenseNL partners with Tomatoworld and is currently conducting a trial of their sensors in various substrate mats. SenseNL's sensors are being used to take accurate measurements of water content, EC (electrical conductivity) and temperature in the root zone of our plants.

SenseNL carries out detailed measurements at Tomatoworld, which are essential for optimising irrigation and nutrition for our plants. This data helps growers make more effective decisions when managing irrigation and nutrition.

SenseNL sensors monitor water content in mats

Current field trials at Tomatoworld:

  • Measurements in coconut substrate: started early February 2024
  • Measurements in MossWool substrate from Novarbo Oy: started mid-February 2024
  • Measurements in drainage: started mid-February 2024

Key findings in Mosswool by Novarbo

  • Water content: Mosswool mats retain more water in the package than unpacked mats, regardless of the wood fibre ratio. Unpackaged mats allow water to pass through more quickly and have a higher evaporation loss.
  • Difference in water content: Initially, there is a significant difference between packed and unpacked mats, but over time these values converge due to the even distribution of water from the drippers.
  • 𝟱𝟬/𝟱𝟬 𝒗𝒔. 𝟳𝟱/𝟮𝟱 mats: Slabs with a 50/50 ratio hold water better due to their more porous surface compared to mats with a 75/25 ratio. This is more likely to result in lower EC values for the 75/25 mats, but this reverses in the long run due to a better distribution of water and nutrients, coupled with relatively greater evaporation loss.

Follow-up steps:

  • Continuation of measurements in coir and Mosswool substrates until the end of cultivation.
  • Use of recalibrated sensors at the start of new cultivation cycles.
  • Necessary maintenance and adjustments to CARA MET Drain before the start of new cultivations.

Published August 2024