Greenhouse horticulture uses extra CO2 to make crops grow faster and healthier. To do this, horticulturists often produce their own CO2 by burning natural gas. This is expensive and environmentally unfriendly; after all, CO2 is partly responsible for the greenhouse effect. Dependence on natural gas also complicates the transition to renewable energy. In industry, pure CO2 is sometimes released as a residual product. OCAP makes it available for greenhouse horticulture.
OCAP CO2 is released during Shell's production of hydrogen and Abengoa's production of bioethanol. Each year, OCAP supplies about 400,000 tonnes of CO2. Greenhouse horticulture saves about 115 million m3 of natural gas, reducing total CO2 emissions by 205,000 tonnes. OCAP is part of The Linde Group.