Head- and hands-free cultivation is the future, Robocrops helps you take the next step.

For growers, working more efficiently is more urgent today than ever before. Technology has various solutions ready, but the connection between tech and grower is still missing. This is precisely where Robocrops comes in. Robocrops aims to seamlessly connect growers, technology, science, and government.


The opportunities and risks for the grower are the starting point. Robocrops helps the grower move forward by figuring out together where they can best invest their time, money, and energy. Robocrops is familiar with the sector from production to technology. Growers can benefit from the Robocrops network, events, substantive knowledge, and experience.

So, Robocrops helps all parties to better understand each other and collaborate. This is much needed because the challenges in our sector are becoming greater and more complex by the day.

This is how Robocrops makes the next technological step in greenhouse horticulture possible. Because only then will the Netherlands remain a leader in greenhouse horticulture.

Origin and importance Robocrops originated at an event where growers and international robotics developers came together. Many growers needed a single point of contact for independent advice on head- and hands-free cultivation. This led to a collaboration between InnovationQuarter, FME, WHC, and Tomatoworld.

Robocrops also exists to strengthen the ecosystem, which is why we work on building mutual trust. But we also work on things that may not directly yield results but do increase opportunities in the Dutch horticultural sector.

The government, science, industry organizations, and education also contribute to a strong and resilient horticultural sector.

Website Robocrops

Are you as a grower ready to take your best next step in head- and hands-free cultivation? Or are you a tech company missing the connection with growers?

Contact the program manager of Robocrops or visit the website for success stories:

Program Manager:
Maurice Wubben
E: maurice.wubben@robocrops.tech
M: +31 6 46620320